Split 7″ reviewed on The Ripple Effect


Cool new review of the Cortez / Borracho split 7″ courtesy of the mighty Swedebeast at The Ripple Effect!

Cortez – “Vanishing Point”

“Vanishing Point” is a very dangerous song to play if you’re driving. I drive a lot and I catch myself flooring it while headbanging furiously while listening to it, and that’s not a good combination. To hell with it though because “Vanishing Point” is a ferocious beast full of badass riffs which brings out the metal thrashing mad side of me…and I absolutely love it! It’s awesome to have Cortez back again. They’ve been kind of dormant for a few years, well at least on the recording front, but apart from this excellent split they also released a new full-length back in 2012. So here’s hoping to see more of these Bostonians, the world needs them!

You can purchase your very own copy here: http://cortezboston.bandcamp.com/album/cortez-borracho-split

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